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Should You Install a Generator?


Most people think of power outages as a winter problem. Therefore, they won’t even consider installing a generator until the temperatures begin to drop, but there are many reasons you could need your generator throughout every season. Keep reading to learn a bit more about the causes of most power outages, the benefits of generators, and much more!

Uses for Generators

Common Causes of Power Outages

  • High heat is an indirect cause of power outages, but one that is much more common in the summertime. As the temperatures rise, more people drop their thermostats lower and lower and leave the AC on all day. This demands a lot of electricity from the power plant and electrical equipment, which can cause it to overheat, melt and generally fail, leading to a blackout.
  • Animals like squirrels, chipmunks, and even snakes can make their way into electrical equipment and cause power failures as well.
  • Car accidents are another common cause of power outages. When cars hit power poles, they can often cause them to topple or damage the actual lines, leading to disruption in power.
  • Storms are typically the most common cause of power outages. Whether it’s the wind, the ice, the rain, or the lightning, there’s plenty that could lead to an outage in your home.
  • Trees fall for many reasons, which is why they’re getting their own bullet. If a tree falls on a power line, it will likely cause interruptions in power service.

Benefits of Installing a Generator

Increases Property Value

According to research done by Remodeling Magazine, an approximately $13,000 generator increases the resale value of a home by nearly $7,000. So, while you won’t recoup your entire investment, you’ll likely get more than half of it back.

Additionally, having a standby generator installed in your home makes it easier to sell your property in the future and could increase additional savings.

Better for Those Working From Home

Even as the pandemic slowly begins to come to an end, there are still plenty of companies and individuals who are continuing to work from home instead of going back to the office. Installing a generator will make sure that you never have to bend to the whims of the weather when it comes to keeping the power, lights, and wifi up and running during the workday.

Protects Your Appliances

After a power outage, as the electricity turns back on, there are surges of electricity that burst through your home that are called power surges. These power surges can cause a great deal of damage to your home appliances and any electronics that are plugged in.

Keeps Food From Spoiling

Have you heard that you’re not supposed to open the fridge or freezer when the power goes out? This is because every time you open the door, you’re letting the cold air out, and with no power, there’s no way for the appliance to replenish the lost, cold air. This could cause your groceries to spoil prematurely. Additionally, if the power is out for long enough, it won’t matter whether you keep the doors closed the whole time; you’ll need to throw most of the contents of the fridge and freezer out.

If you’re still on the fence about whether a generator is right for you, or if you’ve decided to dive in and install one, contact our team today! We’d be happy to answer all of your questions and help you make the decision that’s best for your needs and your home.

Either visit our website for more information or give us a call at (765) 201-7220 to speak with a representative directly.
