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Meter Replacement & Installation

Kokomo Meter Replacement & Installation Services

If you need to install or replace your water meter, Knee's Electrical Service will get the job done right the first time. Having a properly functioning water meter is essential to determining how much water you use each month. Our team will inspect the meter and replace it with a durable, accurate, and affordable product to meet your specific needs.

Contact us today and ask about our in-home estimates for your water meter installation or replacement service in Kokomo.

Award Winning Business!

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  • BBB
  • Green Screened
  • Technician Seal of Safety Badge
  • Home Advisor Screened & Approved Badge
  • Angi Super Service Award 2023

Types of Water Meters

Water meters measure the amount of water your household uses over the course of a month. Utility companies use water meters to figure out how much to bill you for water usage, and it is important to have a functional and accurate water meter. If your water meter is inaccurate, it could cause you to be overcharged. Our team can install a high quality water meter for your home.

There are four main types of water meters we can install in your home:

  • Turbine meters
  • Single-jet meters
  • Compound meters
  • Electromagnetic meters

Over time, the interior jaws of the water meter can become corroded or defective, which may cause the system to malfunction. When electricity flows through the water meter’s components, it creates heat. This causes expansion and contraction that, over time, can wear out the system. If you notice your water bill is higher than usual, or that your meter has stopped working altogether, we will fix the issues and replace the system.

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    Whatever you are facing, our team is here to find a solution. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment to get an estimate from our Marion electrical service company. As soon as you talk to a member of our team, you will see how much we care about our customers and their satisfaction.